One thing about the west is that you never get used to the constant visual feast that the landscape provides. Any time we are given the opportunity to hit the road, we pretty much always bite (especially if we can write it off.) Over the summer we wanted to tour around Washington and Oregon to catch up with some friends. We plotted a course through Idaho into Washington then south to Oregon. Our buddy Ethan wanted to introduce us to his friends at Weapon Outfitters and Noveske invited us out to stay with them.

Heading through Idaho, we stopped in Lewiston to check out a 1st Gen Tacoma. The appeal was that it had a solid axle swap, but as these things normally go…it was obvious that it was someone's bastard child of a truck. Protip: Never buy a truck that looks like it was used for “mudding.”
We stayed a night in Potholes State Park in Washington then hit the road to go meet up with Ethan (@chs.gallery69) and Weapon Outfitters (@weaponoutfitters)

Weapon Outfitters has a pretty rad shop and it was awesome to finally meet them in person. The collection of gear they have consists of all the guns you saw in Die Hard or on the news during the GWOT days. Super cool. They offered to take us out shooting at one of their spots up in the mountains.

Shooting in the dark. Eating steaks. Hanging with good folks. There isn't much else you could ask for (could do without the rain I guess.)
We hit the road the following morning to head out to see Foster (@fosterhunting) and Noveske Rifleworks (@noveske_llc)

Ah, Noveske Rifleworks. We were fortunate enough to have been invited over for a few days to tour their shop, eat food, drink beer, and shoot guns.
It's hard to put Noveske's shop into words. It's one of those places that actually feels like something tangible is being crafted. These days manufacturing floors often have people standing in place and screwing bolts as giant robot arms swing around doing the tasks that someone used to do. That's part of what drives us with nylon as each piece is sewn by a human. Just like us, Noveske is incredibly hands on. It's so satisfying watching a human being standing at a Bridgeport. Getting their hands dirty and putting in a days worth of work.
We'll let the photos tell the story of visiting Noveske but if we were to quickly sum it up - it's a testament to getting your hands dirty, keeping tradition alive, and living on the bleeding edge as a team.

Walking through Noveske's shop is like walking through a museum. You get to peak into days gone by. The remnants of a joke that someone thought was funny that day. You sit back and think about all the laughter that must have occurred. Each poster, snippet, or sticker pieces together a rad story.

Yeah. We're super thankful for all these folks letting us visit their homes and shops. We all get caught up in our own day to day lives and when you're given the opportunity to break free and see how others work and's always beneficial
A huge thank you to Weapon Outfitters, Ethan, Foster, and of course Noveske. Ya'll are super rad.